
Why Using set() for Stopwords in Python NLP is Better Than a List

Why Using set() for Stopwords in Python NLP is Better Than a List

In Natural Language Processing (NLP), dealing with stopwords is a common task. Stopwords are frequently occurring words like “the,” “is,” “in,” and “and,” which usually don’t carry meaningful information for text analysis. Python’s nltk library provides an easy way to access these stopwords using the command stopwords.words('english').

During text preprocessing, we often remove these stopwords before performing more complex tasks like sentiment analysis, text classification, or stemming. However, when filtering out stopwords, an important question arises: Should we use a list or a set to store these stopwords?

The Difference Between Lists and Sets in Python

In Python, both lists (list) and sets (set) are commonly used data structures, each with its own advantages and specific use cases:

  • Lists (list): An ordered collection of elements. Each element can be accessed via its index, and duplicate elements are allowed. The time complexity for searching an element in a list is O(n) in the worst case, as it may need to check every element in the list.

  • Sets (set): An unordered collection of unique elements. Sets do not allow duplicates and are generally faster for lookups, insertions, and deletions. The time complexity for searching in a set is O(1) on average, thanks to the use of hash tables.

Why set() is Better for Stopwords

When working with large text datasets in NLP projects, the choice of data structure can significantly impact the efficiency of your code. If you’re checking whether a word is a stopword, you need to perform this check for every word in your text, making lookup efficiency crucial.

Let’s consider a typical example in Python:

from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

text = "This is an example sentence to demonstrate stopwords filtering in natural language processing."
words = word_tokenize(text)

# Stopwords as a list
stop_words_list = stopwords.words('english')

# Stopwords as a set
stop_words_set = set(stopwords.words('english'))

# Filtering words using a list
filtered_words_list = [word for word in words if word not in stop_words_list]

# Filtering words using a set
filtered_words_set = [word for word in words if word not in stop_words_set]

Both approaches remove stopwords from the text, but the key difference lies in their efficiency:

  1. List Lookup: For each word in the text, the code checks if the word is present in the list stop_words_list. Since lists in Python are searched sequentially, the lookup time in the worst case is O(n), where n is the number of stopwords in the list. This lookup has to be performed for each word in the text, which can quickly become computationally expensive, especially for long texts.

  2. Set Lookup: A set uses a hash table, allowing average lookup times of O(1). This means that no matter how many stopwords are in the set, the time to check if a word is in the set remains constant. This can drastically speed up the processing time, particularly when dealing with large amounts of text.

When Does the Difference Matter?

For small text samples and a limited number of stopwords, the difference in runtime might not be noticeable. However, when working with large datasets, such as extensive text corpora, or when performing text preprocessing repeatedly, using a set instead of a list can significantly enhance performance.

Example Code and Comparison

Here is a complete example demonstrating the use of sets for filtering stopwords in an NLP scenario:

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer

# Sample text
speech = """I am a student of computer science at the University of California, Riverside.
    My research interests are in the areas of machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing."""

# Initialize
ps = PorterStemmer()
sentences = sent_tokenize(speech)

# Stopwords as a set
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))

# Stemming and stopword filtering
stemmed_sentences = []
for sentence in sentences:
    words = word_tokenize(sentence)
    stemmed_words = [ps.stem(word) for word in words if word not in stop_words]
    stemmed_sentences.append(' '.join(stemmed_words))

print("Stemmed Sentences:")

In this example, the stopwords are stored in a set, which allows for a much faster lookup during the filtering process. If you were to use a list instead, the code would still work correctly, but the filtering operation would take longer as the text size increases.

Why Efficiency Matters in NLP

In NLP, text datasets can be massive, sometimes consisting of thousands or even millions of words. Preprocessing these texts is often a prerequisite for various tasks like building machine learning models, performing sentiment analysis, or extracting keywords. Given that stopword filtering is a basic step in preprocessing, using an efficient data structure such as a set can significantly reduce the overall processing time.


When working with stopwords in NLP tasks where efficiency is crucial, using a set (set(stopwords.words('english'))) is a best practice. Sets provide a much faster way to check for the presence of words compared to lists, thanks to their average O(1) lookup time. This performance boost can make a big difference when processing large text datasets, saving both time and computational resources.

Quick Summary

  • Lists: Ordered, allow duplicates, slower lookups (O(n) in the worst case).
  • Sets: Unordered, unique elements, fast lookups (O(1) on average).
  • For Stopwords: Using a set to store stopwords improves the efficiency of filtering them out from text.

So, whenever you’re dealing with large text datasets or require repeated stopword filtering, opt for a set to store your stopwords. It’s a small change in your code, but it can lead to a significant performance improvement!

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